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NFT Drop

When using the NFT Drop smart contract, additional top-level functionality is available to use.

To access the top-level functionality, use the get_nft_drop method when creating the contract instance:

contract = python.get_nft_drop(

The extensions that the NFT Drop contract supports are listed below.


Get the metadata of all NFTs a wallet owns from this contract.

# Address of the wallet to get the NFTs of
address = "{{wallet_address}}" # Optional - Defaults to the connected wallet
nfts = contract.erc721.get_owned(address)

address (optional)

The address of the wallet to get the NFTs of. If not provided, defaults to the connected wallet address.

 nfts =  contract.get_owned(

Return Value

Returns a list of NFTMetadataOwner objects.

class NFTMetadataOwner:
metadata: NFTMetadata
owner: str


Get the token IDs owned by a specific address.

address = "0x..."
owned_nfts = contract.get_owned_token_ids(address)


The address to get the token IDs for. Must be of type str.

Return Value

Returns a list of the owned nfts.



Get all claimed NFTs.

claimed_nfts = contract.get_all_claimed()
first_owner = claimed_nfts[0].owner

query_params (optional)

Provide an optional QueryAllParams object to configure the query. Useful for paginating the results.

class QueryAllParams:
start: int = 0
count: int = 100
from thirdweb.types.nft import QueryAllParams
query_params = QueryAllParams(
# The number of NFTs to return
count= 100, # Default is 100
# The index to start from
start= 0, # Default is 0

nfts = contract.get_all_claimed(query_params)

Return Value

List of NFTMetadataOwner Objects

class NFTMetadataOwner:
metadata: NFTMetadata
owner: str


Get all unclaimed NFTs.

unclaimed_nfts = contract.get_all_unclaimed()
first_nft_name = unclaimed_nfts[0].name

query_params (optional)

Provide an optional QueryAllParams object to configure the query. Useful for paginating the results.

class QueryAllParams:
start: int = 0
count: int = 100
from thirdweb.types.nft import QueryAllParams
query_params = QueryAllParams(
# The number of NFTs to return
count= 100, # Default is 100
# The index to start from
start= 0, # Default is 0

nfts = contract.get_all_unclaimed(query_params)

Return Value

A list of unclaimed NFTMetadata objects

class NFTMetadata:
id: int
uri: str
name: str
description: Optional[str] = None
image: Optional[str] = None
external_url: Optional[str] = None
animation_url: Optional[str] = None
background_color: Optional[str] = None
properties: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None
attributes: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None


Get the total number of NFTs claimed from this contract.

total_claimed = contract.total_claimed_supply()

Return Value

An int representing the number of NFTs claimed from this contract.


Get the total number of unclaimed NFTs in this contract

total_unclaimed = contract.total_unclaimed_supply()

Return Value

An int representing the total number of unclaimed NFTs in this contract.


Define a list of metadata objects that you want to lazy-mint.

from thirdweb.types.nft import NFTMetadataInput

# You can customize this metadata however you like
metadatas = [
"name": "Cool NFT",
"description": "This is a cool NFT",
"image": open("path/to/file.jpg", "rb"),
"name": "Cooler NFT",
"description": "This is a cooler NFT",
"image": open("path/to/file.jpg", "rb"),

txs = contract.create_batch(metadatas)
first_token_id = txs[0].id
first_nft = txs[0].data()

A list of metadata objects for the NFTs you want to mint.

Must be a List of NFTMetadataInput objects that conform to the metadata standards. Alternatively, you can provide a list of strings that point to valid metadata objects, to override the default behavior of uploading and pinning the metadata to IPFS (shown below).

metadatas = [
"name": "Cool NFT",
"description": "This is a cool NFT",
"image": open("path/to/file.jpg", "rb"),
"name": "Cooler NFT",
"description": "This is a cooler NFT",
"image": open("path/to/file.jpg", "rb"),

txResult = contract.create_batch(metadatas)
class NFTMetadataInput:
name: str
description: Optional[str] = None
image: Optional[str] = None
external_url: Optional[str] = None
animation_url: Optional[str] = None
background_color: Optional[str] = None
properties: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
attributes: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None


Claim a specified number of tokens to the connected wallet.

quantity = 1

tx = contract.claim(quantity)
receipt = tx.receipt
claimed_token_id =
claimed_nft =

quantity (required)

The number of tokens to claim.

Must be an int.


The same as claim, but allows specifying the recipient address rather than using the connected wallet.

address = "0x7fDae677aA6f94Edff9872C4b91D26407709c790"
quantity = 1

tx = contract.claim_to(address, quantity)
receipt = tx.receipt
claimed_token_id =
claimed_nft =

recipient (required)

The wallet address to receive the claimed tokens.

Must be a string.

quantity (required)

The number of tokens to claim.

Must be an int.